5 ways to naturally Improve BREAST MILK
(Image: freedigitalphotos) |
Indiegle.com - Breast milk is one of the basic and vital needs for human beings especially babies. Even in the concept of Exclusive breast milk, preferably Baby 0-6 months only given breast milk alone. As the main source of nutrition in early life baby, breast milk is produced upon the influence of the Hormones Prolactin and Oxytocin, the hormone where both play a role also in produkksi of colostrum (the first milk come out), where the very loaded with colostrum Immunoglobulin a very good breast milk for infants especially mengingkatkan durability of the body against various diseases.
Breast milk is the vital needs of the baby.
In fact, BREAST MILK naturally produced joint discharge of an infant, even out before birth, but not a few others up to a few days after birth, breast milk is still difficult out so in "practical" some medical personnel took the "shortcut" by administering the milk Formula.
difficult breast milk out
In some cases, difficult breast milk come out can be experienced by a post Mother give birth. Not a few of them are freaking out, so the expense of BREAST MILK Exclusively. Therefore, we need to know what are the things that can cause a hard milk came out as follows:
The mother experiencing stress. Either before, during or after childbirth. Family support is crucial
Caesarean operations. Caesarean surgery can slow the production of BREAST MILK, especially discrepancy with HPL (Approximate Day of birth), so sometimes it takes a longer time in the production of smooth milk
The mother suffered a Swollen breast. The swelling is greatly disturbing the smooth production of breast milk
The placenta there is still being left behind. The placenta is one part that should have come out all post birth. If there is a part that not everything is terkeluarkan, it will be able to cause bleeding and interfere with the production of breast milk
How To Naturally Improve BREAST MILK
A mother BREAST FEED him less smoothly sometimes more stress that can actually aggravate the condition more. Therefore, in addition to knowing things that can complicate the discharge of BREAST MILK, should also find out how to order ASI smoothly. The following 5 natural way so that BREAST MILK can get out smoothly:
revolusiilmiah.com-Step breast massage
Step of the massage of the breast. (Photo: theasianparent)
1. Breast Massage
How to naturally and easily should routinely do breastfeeding Moms (Busui) or expectant mothers (Bumil) at the end of the 3rd Trimester in preparation for breastfeeding. Some things to look for in a breast massage is as follows:
Massage is performed with warm and cold water alternately
To prevent inflammation, do not wash the breast nipple part especially after breastfeeding, as it will lead to the nipple to become dry and irritated
The steps recommended are: massage
Massage starts from the base of the
Pressing the chest wall with two fingers (Index and middle finger)
Massaging with circular direction in one area in the breast for a few seconds, then switch to another area
Please note the direction of the massaging is rotate or spiral surrounds the breast towards the nipple
Pressing the thumb segment after the hand of dikepalkan, to the dinidng chest
Move the pressure in a row index segment, middle finger, ring finger and pinkie in the direction of the nipple
Repeat how the next area to be massaged
Special bottom, pressing started with pressure from sections of the little finger.
2. Feeding the baby Immediately after birth and the baby on demand
IMD or initiation of Breastfeeding early, one is directly feeding the baby after the birth, needs to be done. After that, the grant should accord with baby's request or at any time requires, not scheduled.
3. Drink and sleep
The recommended drinking is at least 2 liters a day or 8-10 cups, not less. While sleeping or resting suggested, 6-8 hours a day, in addition to that, keep your psychic with stay calm and conduct a home which is not heavy. The role of the husband and family is very important.
4. Breastfeeding with Relax
Breastfeeding must be the means of emotional closeness of mother with baby. During breast feeding should occur physical contact between a Mother with a baby. Recommended feeding is in bed with the correct position, so the pace is relaxed condition, a nursing Mother with relaxed generally can streamline the production of breast milk. And during breast-feeding should not sleep in a tengkurap position, because it will suppress the breasts.
5. Healthy Food BREAST MILK
Some of the following foods can help streamline ASI Katuk Leaves, IE: Flower or fruit papaya, green or red Spinach, soybeans Japan, green beans, Guava, Water Melon, watermelon, Chayote. The feeding of divariasi so that should get the benefit of a more optimal and reduce boredom.
Such things can be difficult to expel BREAST MILK as well as natural ways that can help smooth the breast milk. By knowing these things, either the husband or the mother can be better prepared to deal with any conditions of the difficulty out of BREAST MILK, so it is not immediately taking practical way sarta with infant formula. Good luck and good luck.
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5 ways to naturally Improve BREAST MILK
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